Guohao chopsticks Art Co., Ltd., Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, was established in 2010. It is a large comprehensive chopsticks art production enterprise integrating R & D, production and sample processing. The company has strong strength and the R & D and production capacity is at the forefront of the industry. It has modern wood processing plants, large warehouses and modern production workshops. Each plant covers a total area of 8000 square meters. We actively promote technological innovation, independently develop a full set of excellent production equipment in the industry, and have many...

Six technological processes of chopsticks

Blank making

The semi-finished wooden chopstick blank is made by sawing the log, shaping, reclaiming, grinding head, pressure planing and slicing.

Disinfection cleaning blank disinfection, the blank needs to be cleaned.


Blank making

The purpose of blank making is to treat the surface of the blank, put the blank into the blank making machine, and finish the surface of the blank after coming out.

After blank beating, the blank should also be dried, and the blank should be paved in a place with sufficient sunshine for drying.

Air drying


Put the blank into the blank cutter to cut the blank. After cutting the blank, sharpen the head of the chopsticks, and polish the chopsticks after sharpening.

Maintenance method of wooden chopsticks

Washing: wash with cold salt water. Do not use boiling water. Drying: take out the chopsticks and lay them flat, and put them in a ventilated place to dry naturally. Brush: brush a layer of vegetable oil (olive oil) on the surface of chopsticks and dry it. The color is more beautiful. The daily cleaning of wooden chopsticks needs to avoid the power supply of the disinfection cabinet, which is easy to cause deformation and unsmooth of chopsticks and affect the hand feel.

Contact Us

Contact: Mr. Zhang

Fixed line: 0750-6477345

Tel: 153381455462

Address: workshop of group Huilong village, Shengping, Luokeng Town, Xinhui District, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China

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